2023 BCLA Sr. C Provincials & Glen Moose Cup

The 2023 BCLA Sr. C Provincials & Glen Moose Cup were held in Victoria, BC this past weekend hosted by the Vancouver Island Lacrosse League. Certainly an eventful 18 games over 4 days with the Kelowna Raiders being crowned champions of both trophies on Sunday. Congratulations to the Kelowna Raiders (Gold), Port Coquitlam Hitmen (Silver) and the Saanich Express (Bronze). Thank you to all 8 participating teams this weekend!

Banner Presentation - Kelowna RaidersKelowna Raiders - Champions (Gold Medalists)
Port Coquitlam Hitmen - Silver MedalistsSaanich Express - Bronze Medalists

All eight (8) participating teams in the BCLA Sr. C Provincials and Glen Moose Scott Cup were:

Kelowna RaidersPoCo HitmenWsanec ArrowsCowichan Rats
Saanich ExpressVictoria BlazersPort Moody ExpressLadner Pioneers